Transient optical laser reflectivity measurement: finding FEL and OL time overlap

Transient optical laser reflectivity is a technique to determine the temporal overlap between the FEL and the optical laser (OL). The FEL is pumping a large band gap material (usually a 1 micrometer thick Si3N4 membrane) and the OL, spatially overlaped with the FEL, is reflected off the sample. The incoming (I0) and reflected (Ir) laser beams are monitored by photodiodes. The FEL pump alters the electronic properties of the material, which in turn modifies the reflectivity. By varying the delay between OL and FEL through the scanning of the optical delay line, the transient response of the material is measured and the exact time overlap between the two beams can be extracted.

To increase the signal to noise ratio, pumped and unpumped signals acquired closely in time are compared. The reflectivity is then defined as:

ΔR[%]=100×(R(pumped)R(unpumped)1), with R=Ir/I0

In the toolbox_scs, there is a convenience function reflectivity that allows the quick calculation of ΔR. It performs binning along the motor position axis and sorts the data according to the bunch pattern and the sequence of pumped, unpumped.

Below is an example, where I0 (Ir) is measured a by photodiode on the Fast ADC channel 5 (channel 3), respectively. The pump FEL is set at half the repetition rate of the OL, to have alternating pumped/unpumped/pumped/unpumped/… pulses within each train.

import toolbox_scs as tb
proposal, runNB = 2769, 425
fields = ['FastADC5raw', 'FastADC3raw', 'PP800_DelayLine', 'BAM1932S']
run, ds = tb.load(proposal, runNB, fields)

refl = tb.reflectivity(ds, Iokey='FastADC5peaks', Irkey='FastADC3peaks',
                       binWidth=0.01, plot=True)
Dimensions:                 (delay: 133)
  * delay                   (delay) float64 228.2 228.2 228.2 ... 229.5 229.5
Data variables:
    FastADC5peaks           (delay) float64 2.009e+05 1.958e+05 ... 1.937e+05
    FastADC3peaks           (delay) float64 7.286e+04 6.932e+04 ... 7.36e+04
    FastADC5peaks_unpumped  (delay) float64 2.007e+05 1.955e+05 ... 1.935e+05
    FastADC3peaks_unpumped  (delay) float64 7.226e+04 6.872e+04 ... 7.293e+04
    PP800_DelayLine_binned  (delay) float64 228.2 228.2 228.2 ... 229.5 229.5
    deltaR                  (delay) float64 0.7039 0.7426 ... 0.8043 0.8176
    deltaR_std              (delay) float64 0.8555 0.9384 ... 0.9011 0.9902
    deltaR_stderr           (delay) float64 0.07418 0.06808 ... 0.09245 0.08032
    counts                  (delay) int64 133 190 114 266 304 ... 114 380 95 152
    runFolder:  /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/202201/p002769/raw/r0425

The output is an xarray.Dataset that contains the binned deltaR, its standard deviation and standard error, as well as the delay line position bins and the counts per bin.

One can also convert the motor position axis in mm into temporal axis in ps. For this, the argument positionToDelay can be used, in combination with origin which gives the motor position for time zero and invert, which gives the sign of time axis relative to the motor axis. In this case, binWidth is the width in picosecond, and the output has a new coordinate delay_ps.

refl = tb.reflectivity(ds, Iokey='FastADC5peaks', Irkey='FastADC3peaks',
                       positionToDelay=True, origin=228.845, invert=False,
                       binWidth=0.01, plot=True)
Dimensions:                 (delay: 133)
  * delay                   (delay) float64 228.2 228.2 228.2 ... 229.5 229.5
Data variables:
    FastADC5peaks           (delay) float64 2.009e+05 1.958e+05 ... 1.937e+05
    FastADC3peaks           (delay) float64 7.286e+04 6.932e+04 ... 7.36e+04
    FastADC5peaks_unpumped  (delay) float64 2.007e+05 1.955e+05 ... 1.935e+05
    FastADC3peaks_unpumped  (delay) float64 7.226e+04 6.872e+04 ... 7.293e+04
    PP800_DelayLine_binned  (delay) float64 228.2 228.2 228.2 ... 229.5 229.5
    deltaR                  (delay) float64 0.7039 0.7426 ... 0.8043 0.8176
    deltaR_std              (delay) float64 0.8555 0.9384 ... 0.9011 0.9902
    deltaR_stderr           (delay) float64 0.07418 0.06808 ... 0.09245 0.08032
    counts                  (delay) int64 133 190 114 266 304 ... 114 380 95 152
    runFolder:  /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/202201/p002769/raw/r0425

Correction by the BAM

The BAM data can be taken into account by calculating the delay from the motor position and adding the BAM values to it:

ds['delay'] = ds['BAM1932S'] + tb.positionToDelay(ds['PP800_DelayLine'], origin=228.845, invert=False)

Once this is done, the new delay variable has two dimensions trainId and sa3_pId, while the OL photodiodes (FastADC3peaks and FastADC5peaks) have dimensions trainId and ol_pId. The aligment of the OL pulses to the FEL pulses can be done by shifting the ol_pId coordinates:

newds = tb.align_ol_to_fel_pId(ds)
Dimensions:            (pulse_slot: 2700, sa3_pId: 38, trainId: 2222)
  * sa3_pId            (sa3_pId) int64 542 582 622 662 ... 1902 1942 1982 2022
  * trainId            (trainId) uint64 1298104001 1298104002 ... 1298106265
Dimensions without coordinates: pulse_slot
Data variables:
    bunchPatternTable  (trainId, pulse_slot) uint32 2178857 0 2097193 ... 0 0 0
    PP800_DelayLine    (trainId) float64 229.1 229.1 229.1 ... 228.3 228.3 228.3
    BAM1932S           (trainId, sa3_pId) float32 -0.1843975 nan ... nan
    delay              (trainId, sa3_pId) float64 1.444 nan 1.468 ... -3.665 nan
    FastADC3peaks      (trainId, sa3_pId) float64 8.711e+04 ... 5.205e+04
    FastADC5peaks      (trainId, sa3_pId) float64 2.083e+05 ... 1.712e+05
    runFolder:  /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/202201/p002769/raw/r0425

When plotting the reflectivity, one can use units='ps' to specify the correct units of the bottom axis (by default units='mm').

refl = tb.reflectivity(newds, delaykey='delay', units='ps')

The shift in time corresponds to the BAM values, whose average in this run is newds['BAM1932S'].mean().values = -121.54 fs.